Community Support
Community Work

Empowering change in our world
Shepherd’s Arms Children’s Home Phillipines
Angela has a passion for volunteering in third-world countries and has been supporting community projects and individual children in the Philippines for over 10 years. She has returned to a particular children’s home often, staying for weeks at a time to help and support the children and to do additional hands-on work to improve the children’s standard of living. So far Angela has sponsored Harley through an IT degree which has allowed him to get a career and bring his family out of poverty, and current is supporting Marilyn through a teaching degree which is almost completed. “I would prefer to spend my time and money on improving the lives of these children, rather than staying in expensive accommodation and sitting beside a pool. Helping the children give me great satisfaction”. Angela sees this project as a lifelong interest.

Kiva – Lifting one to lift many
Kiva is a non-profit fuelled by passionate people a Kiva loan enables someone to grow a business and create opportunity for themselves, it creates opportunities for others as well. That ripple effect can shape the future for a family or an entire community.
Since joining in 2013, Angela has completed 51 loans in over 26 countries. Worldwide, women have much less economic opportunity, security, and freedom, through her microfinancing loans with Kiva Angela is supporting woman starting their own businesses, going to school, and investing in the health of their communities and families.